"Bill ! You are a Blank student. You could only be a truck driver in your Life" said by his physics
teacher at Harward. The whole of his class laughed maniacally and the young and talented Bill
cried. This was the first time he cried.
After 20 years, when he became the richest man in the world. The American President proudly Marked his Words that " We are the nation of Bill Gates." Upon hearing these Gratifying and Full of Grandeur Words, he locked himself in his Room and cried for hours. This was the second time when Drops of Salt ran down his Eyes.
In 2008, After serving for 33 years as The Chairman of Microsoft, he announced those words which the world wasn't ready to hear and those were the Words of his Retirement. He came in front of his staff, and then there it was a Twinkling Drop of Water fell from his Eyes and landed on his Carpeted Room as he left his room, and after a Few more moments, He left his Company. This was the third time he weaped to his full.
It was Bill Gates, who remained the World's Richest Man both In terms of Wealth and In terms of A well Renowned Person, for a consecutive 13 years and most of us are using his OS (Operating Systems).
Once he told his teacher that he will be a Millionaire by the age of 30, and that was the
only time he was wrong about himself because at that age he was a already a Billionaire.
I know as a Muslim, I should not praise him but the fact was, the fact is and the fact will be that he
is the Pioneer of Personal Computing. He said "If you born poor, it is not your mistake, but if you die poor then it is only your mistake."